Former Allesley Hotel, Birmingham Road, Allesley

Public Consultation

Our Proposals

Avant Homes are preparing proposals for the development of the former Allesley Hotel site, to the south of Birmingham Road, for approximately 60 high quality homes. The proposals involve the demolition of the former Allesley Hotel, which due to a number of fires on the site has fallen into disrepair.

The site, which is currently vacant, consists of the former hotel building along with car parking areas, hard standing areas for service delivery along with existing trees and vegetation. Due to the scale and nature of the damage to the former hotel building, which currently detracts from the character and appearance of the Allesley Conservation Area and several Listed Buildings in the area, the proposals include the demolition of the hotel.

The proposals include bespoke design apartments fronting onto Birmingham Road, to reflect the character and appearance of this important street scene and a mix of house types.

Avant Homes ambition is to create a development that appreciates the significance of the sites location within the Allesley Conservation Area, in particular the importance of the street frontage to Birmingham Road. The concept is for the scheme to blend in seamlessly within the existing residential character and be fully integrated into the established residential area.

The proposals aim to meet local housing priorities, helping to address Coventry’s housing requirements, including affordable housing options.

Avant Homes welcomes community feedback to help shape this exciting new development.

We Welcome Your Feedback

We are hosting this website to introduce our proposals, inviting comments and feedback, before a planning application is submitted to Coventry City Council. We are keen to hear your views on our emerging proposals.

Fig 2: Front elevation of existing Allesley Hotel

Fig 3: Existing panoramic street view


Fig 4: Proposed Panoramic Street View

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